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Leung Lab

Positions Available

Applicants at all levels of education are welcome.


Postdoctoral Fellows

We are currently seeking qualified postdoctoral fellows with an interest in stem cells, tissue regeneration, and regenerative medicine.  The fellow will design and perform experiments using a variety of model systems (mouse, tissue culture, 3D human tissue culture) and techniques (molecular, biochemistry, genetic, histology, and genomics).


Postdoctoral research in the lab commonly involves close interactions both within the lab and with collaborating groups at the University of Pennsylvania.  Postdoctoral training includes participation in seminars and retreats of the Department of Dermatology and Institute of Regenerative Medicine.  A major goal of our lab is to mentor and train fellows for future careers in academics and industry.


An MD and/or PhD in a science-related field, excellent written and verbal communication skills, and the ability to work interactively are required.  


To apply, please email a letter of interest and a CV that includes three references to Dr. Leung.  
Please include 1) a statement about your interest in our lab, 2) career goals and objectives, and 3) information about citizenship/residency/Visa status.


General Information about postdoctoral fellowships at University of Pennsylvania may be found at this link


Graduate Students

We accept graduate students from many of the University of Pennsylvania home programs.  Students interested in rotating in the lab should email Dr. Leung.



We are not actively seeking new technicians at this time.  Applicants should send a letter of interest and CV that includes three references to Dr. Leung.



We offer undergraduate students an intensive research experience working closely with a member of the lab. These positions turn over slowly, and many more students apply than can be accommodated. We are full at this time.


Updated 8/23/24.







Thomas Leung Research Group

Department of Dermatology & Institute for Regenerative Medicine

421 Curie Blvd, BRB 1039, Philadelphia PA 19104

Contact: Thomas Leung, MD, PhD

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